Saturday, May 30, 2009

Let's Take a Midnight Walk...

So, Midnight Walk was the title I came up with a few years ago for my first & possibly only collection of short stories. I fancy myself a novelist, and writing short stories just takes up too much time for what I consider too little reward. So, I figured I could someday package up all the short stories I'm way too lazy to shop around in between decent selling novels.

Now, my title has been used for this great antho, though it only includes one of my stories, "Late Check-in", instead of the gazillion I had planned to unload on the horror reading public. *Heavy Sigh*

By the way, "Late Check-in" is a haunted motel story I'd actually written a while back for a themed anthology about -you guessed it! - a scary motel. I would have definitely included it into my own Nightshift-esque collection. It's a fun story, though there isn't nearly enough sex in it for my tastes.

I should have thrown in some heaving bosoms or something,

It's too late now.

See, if "Late Check-in" was a novel, I could just sneak in some sex, and everyone would just think it was always there.

Well, I gotta go think up another cool title for my future short story collection. Maybe something subtle like Heaving Bloody Bosoms. But in the meantime, groove on the other 13 kick ass stories in Midnight Walk
that aren't mine.

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